Monday, August 9, 2010

Chicken Dog

Isabel with her classmates watching a performance called Chicken Dog (I'm not sure what the dog did, but it seems it was pretty funny).

Friday, August 6, 2010

Ropa Nueva

Con la ropa nueva que me mandó la Tía Bárbara.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Playing and having a good laugh with Abuela and Gubben.

Reading with Abuela

Abuela and Gubben came to visit last week. Isabel had such a great time with them! Here she is reading her bedtime story with Abuela.


In June we went with Selim and Selen to a lovely little town in Central Texas called Wimberley. Isabel liked wading in the water!

May Pictures

Some random pictures taken at home with my iPhone.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Classroom with Potty

Since Isabel is learning to use the potty she is going to transition this week into a classroom with a potty. She's going to be in Early Preschool 1 with Ms. Debbie. We're excited!