After Troy we stopped to take some pictures in a beautiful sunflower field, and then we drove on to Istanbul, where Deniz could play again with the beloved keyboard, and we could all get some rest!
We kept on driving, and then made another stop in Troy. Deniz slept through most of it, but the natural diva woke up at the last second in time for some pictures with the ruins.
While we were in Camlibel we went for a walk to a place where there are the ruins of an altar dedicated to Zeus. Apparently they did human sacrifices there. Mami and Abuela were a bit freaked out about the drop, really. Mami had to be coerced to stand for the picture so close to the border.
After Ephesus we drove to Camlibel, a little town where our friends Nejla and Erhan have their bed and breakfast Zeytinbagi. We stayed there three wonderful days, just relaxing and having the best food ever! (Erhan is a very famous cook). Isabel loved our room. When we arrived, she didn't want to go to sleep, she just wanted to look around.
The next stop was at Ephesus. Abuela and Gubben were very impressed by the ruins of this city! It was VERY hot, and in the end Baba, Mami, and Isabel had to leave so that Isabel could be in the shade. Abuela and Gubben used a different exit, and got totally lost. Baba, Meli, and Isabel got on the car and began to look for them. They were tired, very hot, and desperate when we finally found them miles away! They were not laughing then, but now we are :D